AP Calculus

"There are no secrets to success. 
It is the result of preparation, hard work,
and learning from failure."

                                                                                                                                                    Colin Powell


AP Test Review Sites:

AP Calculus Exam Tips

AP Calc Test Score Calculator

FRQ Answers to released questions (Mr. Calculus site)

AP Calculus AP Practice Tests

AP Calculus Practice Questions

2006 AP Calc Practice Exams

Kahn Academy (AP Calculus AB)

Kahn Academy (AP Calculus BC)

AP Review Videos from College Board - You Tube page


Class Summaries:


Date Description Flipped Assignment
Aug 28/Aug 29
Back-2-School Days: Go over syllabus...
Hand out Packet - bring done on Tuesday
End-of-Summer Packet - practice to get your brain back into "math mode" (Key linked on Canvas)
Tues, Sept 3rd First Day of Classes
     - Questions on Packet??
     - Sign up for College Board and AP Classroom  
     - Circuit - Using Tables (with table) - NO CALCULATORS!!  
Wed, Sept 4th -Activity: Preview of Calculus - Do you know your calculator? (Circuit)  
Thur, Sept 5th -20 minutes - finish circuit from yesterday
-Look at AP Classroom - What can be found there?
-Start Activity: Always true or not?
Fri, Sept 6th - Review Activity: Meet the Parents (with table) - NO CALCULATORS!!  Watch 1.1 Video and take notes (1)
Do 1.1 Practice Problems (2-3)

Watch 1.2 Video and take notes (5)
Do 1.2 Practice Problems (6-7)
Mon, Sept 9th 1.1 Introducing Calculus: Can Change Occur at an Instant?
1.2 Defining Limits and Using Limit Notation
Questions off of assignment?
Take 1.1-1.2 Quiz on AP Classroom
Watch 1.3 Video and take notes (9)
Do 1.3 Practice Problems (10-11)

There are two video sections Wed night before class Thurs.  You may want to start 1.4 tonight.
Wed, Sept 11th 1.3 Finding Limits from Graphs
Questions off of assignment?
Activity:  Associating Limits with Graphical Behavior
Watch 1.4 Video and take notes (13)
Do 1.4 Practice Problems (14-15)

Watch 1.5 Video and take notes (17)
Do 1.5 Practice Problems (18-20)
Thur, Sept 12th 1.4 Finding Limits from Tables
1.5 Algebraic Properties of Limits and Piecewise Functions

Warm-up for Advanced Limits (front); Advanced Limits Activity (back) due on Monday
Watch 1.6 Video and take notes
Do 1.6 Practice Problems

Watch 1.7 Video and take notes
Do 1.7 Practice Problems
Mon, Sept 16th Simplify Complex Fractions Warm-up (K)
1.6 Algebraic Manipulations of Limits - Sub/Factor/Trig
1.7 Selecting Procedures (Limits) - Rationalize/Complex Fractions

1.6 Circuits (two ten square circuits)
Mid-Unit Review - Limits
(in book 33-34)
skip #19 (Squeeze Theorem)
Wed, Sept 18th 1.1-1.6 Limits Quiz (BP)
*there will be an opportunity for students to retake questions 6 and 7 on the quiz.  It must be done before the end of next week. (Sept 27th)
Watch 1.8 Video and take notes
Do 1.8 Practice Problems
Watch 1.9 Video and take notes
Do 1.9 Practice Problems
Thurs, Sept 19th MAPS Testing (Seniors do not have to take)

1.8 The Squeeze Theorem
1.9 Multiple Representations (Limits) - just more practice of limits, if there are any you don't understand, ask on Monday

Unit 1 MCQ's have been assigned.  Due 11:59 pm on Oct 6th.  They will close at that time and will not be reopened.  Do not wait too long to start.
Can start Unit 1 MCQ's on AP Classroom.

Watch 1.10 Video and take notes
Do 1.10 Practice Problems

Watch 1.11 Video and take notes
Do 1.11 Practice Problems
Mon, Sept 23rd Go over 1.1-1.6 Quiz
1.10 Warm-up Questions to review 1.10 (BP)
1.10 Types of Discontinuities

1.11 Defining Continuity at a Point

Start 1.11-1.13 Skill Builder Packet (5 pages) - due Monday, Sept 30th.  Work on complete answers. (TR)
Watch 1.12 Video and take notes
Do 1.12 Practice Problems
Wed, Sept 25th 1.12 Confirming Continuity Over an Interval
Keep working on Skill Builder Packet
Watch 1.13 Video and take notes
Do 1.13 Practice Problems

Watch 1.14 Video and take notes
Do 1.14 Practice Problems
Thur, Sept 26th 1.13 Removing Discontinuities
1.14 Infinite Limits and Vertical Asymptotes

     (discuss #/0  -> +/-oo)
1.14 Quiz on AP Classroom
Watch 1.15 Video and take notes
Do 1.15 Practice Problems

Watch 1.16 Video and take notes
Do 1.16 Practice Problems
Mon, Sept 30th
1-7 schedule
Homecoming Week
1.15 Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes
Sketch the Graph Activity (from MM Rev)
Tues, Oct 1st
1-7 schedule
Homecoming Week
1.16 Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT)

Discuss "conditions" vs. "conclusions"
Come up with a script or dialogue that is appropriate to be used for IVT explanation. Will need to use all year.  This is one of the main theorems used on the AP Test.
End of Unit Review - Limits and Continuity (63-64 in book)
Thurs, Oct 3rd
Red Schedule
Homecoming Week
Unit 1 FRQ Test (in-class) TR
Unit 1 MCQ's have been assigned in AP Classroom.  They will be open until 11:59 pm Oct 6th and will not be reopened. 

Watch 2.1 Video and take notes
Do 2.1 Practice Problems
Fri, Oct 4th
1-7 schedule
Homecoming Week
2.1 Defining Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change at a Point
Watch 2.2 Video and take notes
Do 2.2 Practice Problems
Mon, Oct 7th 2.2 Defining the Derivative of a Function and Using Derivative Notation
2.1-2.2 Review (MM)
Watch 2.3 Video and take notes
Do 2.3 Practice Problems
Wed, Oct 9th Warm-up: Tangent Line (BP) on boards
2.3 Estimating Derivatives of a Function at a Point
2.1-2.3 Skill Builder (TR)??
Watch 2.4 Video and take notes
Do 2.4 Practice Problems
Thur, Oct 10th 2.4 Connecting Differentiability and Continuity: Determining When Derivatives Do and Do Not Exist
Activity: Twinning (TR)
Watch 2.5 Video and take notes
Do 2.5 Practice Problems
Fri, Oct 11th and Mon, Oct 14th No School Unit 2 MCQ's have been assigned in AP Classroom.  They will be open until 11:59 pm Oct 29th and will not be reopened. 
Wed, Oct 16th 2.5 Applying the Power Rule
Power Rule Circuit (TR?)
Watch 2.6 Video and take notes
Do 2.6 Practice Problems
Watch 2.7 Video and take notes
Do 2.7 Practice Problems
Thur, Oct 17th 2.6 Derivative Rules: Constant, Sum, Difference, and Constant Multiple
Quiz over 2.5 - 2.6 (20 mins) TR
2.7 Derivatives of cos x, sin x, e^x, and ln x
Watch 2.8 Video and take notes
Do 2.8 Practice Problems
Watch 2.9 Video and take notes
Do 2.9 Practice Problems
Mon, Oct 21st 2.8 The Product Rule
2.9 The Quotient Rule
Act: Categorizing Functions for Derivative Rules (AP)
Watch 2.10 Video and take notes
Do 2.10 Practice Problems
Wed, Oct 23rd Quiz over 2.8 - 2.9 (20 mins) TR
2.10 Derivatives of tan x, cot x, sec x, and csc x
Thur, Oct 24th   Unit 2 Review from book (111-113)  
Mon, Oct 28th Unit 2 FRQ Test (in-class) TR
Unit 2 MCQ's have been assigned in AP Classroom.  They will be open until 11:59 pm Oct 29th and will not be reopened.